
Any chat application (messenger) isn't as good as Telegram, so I created a devRant group on Telegram! Those of you devRanters on Telegram, come join @devrantron!
Those of you who aren't, join Telegram :P

  • 1
    And that probably 4 or 5th devrant group om on tg
  • 1
    @Linux woah, seriously? I've been on Telegram for more than two years and haven't come across even one! That's awesome :)
  • 2
    I use telegram for one person only but as a cryptographer said about telegram's crypto: "telegram's crypto is like being stabbed in the eye with a fork".

    I'll pass but enjoy nevertheless :)
  • 1
    Nothing beat email
  • 2
    I'd never use telegram. Honestly one of the last messengers I'd ever use.
  • 0
    @Froot why is that?
  • 2
    @vaaesh Made by a country that is staging tanks on our border. No thx, I'd rather support NSA than this shit 😄
  • 3
    @Froot Although I do use it for solely one person, I'm entirely with you.
  • 1
    @Froot Oh, I'm sorry to hear there's a bad situation like that. Didn't know :(
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