
Hey guys, I’m from the future, year 3740 to be specific. I used this and now I’m stuck here in year 2024 in Pakistan’s stone age.

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    Great Scott! 😲
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    Btw, a real time traveler wouldn‘t say that he is from the future. Because the future would be his present. Nice try though.
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    If you're gonna RP do it right:

    - 3740, statistically, that'd be unlikely. Society has number systems, we attribute significant value to things that are innately insignificant, like anniversaries, calendar years, etc. So, even 3741 is much more likely because something like waiting for change would typically see revolt at a catagorical change... if they waited til 3740, theyd likely wait the year out. Major changes tend to happen at ¼century intervals, ±1-2 yrs, typically more towards +.

    - Pakistan... why? The term Stone Age would likely be implausible in a few centuries. Also, i highly doubt that time travel would go well, certainly not unnoticed, in Pakistan of all places. Look at how much race has blended already... the plausibility of being the right shade/racial attributes...nearly non-existent. If you had some tech to blend in thatd make sense... but would also be implausible that ud not have tech to leave pakistan.
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    I'm kinda' surprised searching O Reilly's for what you want and actually find it. I run across bad search engines (and I do SharePoint admin, let that sink in), O Reilly's is especially bad.

    Needed a specific wax for my wife's car (TL;DR), Walmart was out, started searching our local auto supply stores. Searched the *exact* description...no results. Searched the brand name...no results. Searched for the wax type (part of the description). No results. Started over using the browsing categories ...click..click.<dozen more clicks>, found it.
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    @Lensflare Maybe they say: I am from "your" future, rather then "the" future.
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    We really not gonna talk about the guy stranded in 3740 cause this guy stole his time machine?
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