
I really hate it when online sources aimed at educating people looking to get into programming attack specific languages. I'm ok with them recommending some good starting languages (ex. JavaScript, Python, etc.) but I find it extremely inappropriate and damaging when they list languages they consider "bad." Languages like JavaScript, PHP and Java constantly get called out even though they power a huge chunk of the web and services hundreds of millions of people use every day. IMO it's a huge disservice to tell beginners not to even look at these languages. We should be teaching the language isn't really what's important - it's what you build with it.

  • 1
    Well said. I have seen nonsensical bad advice from reporters that have no clue. They killed off JavaScript in the 1990's and look how critical it is now. In 2003 they said blogs would never be popular... The list goes on and on.
  • 3
    "Top 5 programming languages you should avoid! Number 2 you would never guess!"
  • 4
    Java is dead! ...Except it powers most enterprise systems.
  • 1
    @BlackjackCF yeah lol, it's pretty crazy. I don't think most people who trash Java realize how closely tied it is to many big data technologies and enterprise systems depend on it.
  • 2
    They always seem to attack the most used languages so they obviously have no clue because no language is perfect.
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