
The past couple of weeks I've been struggling with my laptop. It regularly ran out of memory and when that happens everything runs in a snail pace. I always thought 8GB would be enough for developing software, but I was terribly wrong.

So I ordered another 8GB and installed it yesterday. Later at work I looked at the ram usage and noticed that it was up to nearly 13GB!
I have no idea how I managed to get by with only 8 for so long. 🤔

FYI: I usually have 2 to 3 IDEs and a gazillion chrome tabs open 😅

  • 2
    What do you need 3 IDEs for? :O
  • 1
    I regularly open up old/other projects to look at the code. Every time I do that I open up another instance of my IDE
  • 2
    Chrome is your problem, close it and wonders will happen.
  • 1
    I know that, but I need all those tabs. (could that be considered as an addiction? 😅)
  • 2
    Move to Firefox Quantum 👍
  • 1
    I'll give it a shot next week. 😊
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