
Call Recording app using react native.

Project Type
Open source idea

Call Recording app using react native.

Context: I got an iPhone today and i checked the app store for a call recorder. All apps are subscription based and they are asking for huge sums per month/year. They seem like a scam for me. I'm coming from an Android and there was an app on the store that was basic and worked perfectly. There were 2 versions lite and pro. I got the pro after using the lite for a while just to support the developer... The extra features weren't very useful to me. It was one payment of 10 euros or something like that. I want to do a basic app nothing fancy. that simply does the same thing as the paid ones, open source and put it up for free to fuck with the other scams. I don't know any ios but i know some react native and already got a basic tutorial on for the android part. however i don't think android is really worth pursuing since the play store is filled with great affordable apps. I just want to have something simple that myself and many others can use without paying those scammers. open source the whole thing to allow other devs to make their own apps and post them on the app store so in time those scam apps become irrelevant. I saw some that did transcripts and stuff and maybe that is worth 20-30 euros per month but for me and many other normal users who just want something to record their conversations to refresh my memory when needed.. i don't think that's a good use of my money. Well this the context and the motivation behind this ideea. If you know any tutorials/resources on how to do the automatic recording inbound/out part and you could share that would be greatly appreciated . If you want to actually contribute to it leave a message here.
Tech Stack
react native / ios stuff(swift?)
Current Team Size
  • 0
    Your fault for iOS
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    @Ranchonyx lul i only made the switch because i saw many news lately about apps on gplay being infected and i know that apple is more strict when it comes to security and privacy . it was an opportunity to switch because my mom's phone had a hardware issue and i gave her mine and got this one
  • 0
    Good roms have call recording already in the caller app that ships with the rom and enable it for countries where call recording is legal.
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