An open, social sound / music platform that focuses on new ways to collaborate and spread wealth.

Project Type
Existing open source project

An open, social sound / music platform that focuses on new ways to collaborate and spread wealth.

Hi there 👋 I’ve been working on **Sounds Social** these past few weeks, which is a platform all about music and collaboration. There's a lot of potential to share audio and wealth in ways that current platforms don't take advantage of. Meteor is used for the GraphQL API (backend only). There's a separate frontend Vue app to access the GraphQL endpoint with apollo-client and a UI explorer using storybook. Feel free to check out the [repository](https://github.com/matteodem/sounds-social) on Github or check out the [dev environment](https://sounds-social-dev.surge.sh/) to see what's already there. It’s a proof of concept right now, many things and should change. I see a lot of potential on topics like crypto, ipfs, collaboration focused entities like cyphers, communities, privacy respecting data storage etc. I work on this in my free time right now.
Tech Stack
GraphQL, Vue, Apollo, Ecmascript
Current Team Size
  • 0
    "spread wealth"
    What is this? The Soviet Union?

    Sounds like a really cool project! Unfortunately I don't have the time to help :/
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    @Dacexi I’m not really in the mood to discuss something this important in 1000 characters. I’m trying to tackle big problems and we’ll see if anyone else is interested too
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    @matteodem it was just a joke... As I said, I unfortunately don't have time to help :/ hope you find someone that does!
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    Oh just saw the jk now. Now that reads differently 😅
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    Also if there’s people who have experience in crypto please contact me. Heavily thinking about monetization lately
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