
Java project implementing hibernate JavaFX and mysql

Project Type
Existing project

Java project implementing hibernate JavaFX and mysql

I can't find the reason/problem for NPE that brings me crazy. Is a personal al project that I took to learn by myself and I'm stuck with this and other issue where I not able to save data in an ManyToOne entity. I would really appreciate is someone lend me a hand in this please. Have a repo at github if anyone wants to fork(develop branch) https://www.github.com/ajfmo/sislic.git Thanks in advance. P.S. I have to push last changes. I'll do it in a few hours.
Tech Stack
Java, hibernate, jpa, maven, github, JavaFX
Current Team Size
  • 0
    @lukegv thanks for your interest, I've removed a lot of comment in Spanish, refactored a lot but haven't pushed yet. Started a new project (practice) to understand better where is the problem, the cause, why is happening, I too still want to give it a look I will let you know when is more readable to you.
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